Ch. 8 – Getting Connected


We believe that the e cig community

plays a significant role for the people who successfully quit smoking by turning to vaping. Sure, the fact that vapor mimics smoke and you’re still getting your nicotine fix probably plays a HUGE part, but just think about it for a second. Smoking is an addiction. A lot of people who are addicted to -insert any substance here- need to visit some sort of support group on a regular basis to quit. In fact, there are claims that people who join support groups for addiction have much higher success rates quitting than those who choose to quit on their own – including online communities.

We are aware that a somber 12 step support group for quitting smoking might seem a bit extreme for your cigarette addiction, but we aren’t suggesting that you join that type of group (unless you really feel like you need it, then go for it). Instead, we’re suggesting that you visit one of the FUN, informative, welcoming, and active communities dedicated to e cigs. In these communities you can draw inspiration from the experiences of others, learn about different batteries, ask questions, look at DIY homemade configurations (some are glorious while others are just monstrous), have a place to vent and receive encouragement if you ever feel discouraged, and most importantly – make some like minded friends. It doesn’t matter if you’re a hermit who prefers to interact with people through a monitor, or if you’re a social butterfly who likes to flit around and see people’s smiling faces in person, because there’s a community that’ll be perfect for you – so let’s take a look.

Passing the Time Online

A quick query with your favorite search engine will reveal a vast sea of e cig related websites, blogs, youtube personalities, and communities. If you feel so inclined, go ahead and take a few minutes and browse the ones that stick out to you. To get you started, here’s two of our favorite online communities.

1. The Electronic Cigarette Subreddit (AKA: ECR): Visit ECR

If you’re one of the 114 million people who visits Reddit on a daily basis, we have great news because there’s a great electronic cigarette subreddit, as well as several other related subreddits. It’s well maintained, active, extremely positive, and just broke 50,000 subscribers. There you’ll find special offers from e cig vendors, places to trade/sell/give away equipment, quality answers to any of your questions, pictures, DIY tutorials, testimonials, and more. The great thing about ECR, is that it’s one of the most friendly subreddits. We can’t deny that trolls are prevalent on Reddit (just a fact of life), but they’re scarce and typically downvoted if/when they ever decide to show up.

The one downside with the ECR is that is that it’s difficult to find answers to specific questions via the search feature (the search function on Reddit is infamous for it’s sucktitude). Additionally, searching via the main ECR, won’t automatically pull up results from the related subreddits (unless you do an advanced search). Trust me, the answers to any of your questions are definitely somewhere in the bowels of the ECR subreddit or it’s subsidiaries, but you might not be able to find them without a little bit of elbow grease. That said, if you search and can’t find your question, you can always post in the relatedvaping101 subreddit that was specifically created with new/potential vapers in mind.

2. The E Cigarette Forum (AKA: ECF): Visit ECF

This is literally the largest forum dedicated to e cigs on the entire internet (which is saying something, because the internet is a huge freaking place). Here you’ll find discussions and blogs on just about any topic you could imagine pertaining to vaping: jobs, e liquid, diy, new members discussions, e cig legislation, and more. The people there are extremely friendly, knowledgeable, and passionate about vaping. Like Reddit (and the rest of the internet), there’s a troll here and there, but they’re scarce and overwhelmingly outnumbered.

Searching the archives of the ECF is a bit more intuitive than the ECR. There’s more stickied posts making it easier to find information, and when you search for something from the home page, it’ll search all of the related discussions. That said, it’s not perfect, and you might have to finesse your search terms a few times to see what’ll pull up the best results.

Can’t Replace Face to Face

Okay okay, the internet is great and all, but you might need more interaction than pictures and words on a screen – no problem! Here’s are some great ways to get involved in person.

1. Your Local Brick and Mortar Vape Shop (AKA: B&M)

If you’re lucky enough to have a one near by, make sure you check them out. Not only is it a great way to support local business, but many vape shops have a lounge where you can relax, vape, and shoot the shit with the employees and/or other vapers. Most people there are enthusiastic vapers who are more than happy to let you test drive their fancy mod, juice, or tank (as long as you use your own drip tip or use a drip tip cover). It’s a great way to try new equipment and taste new juices BEFORE you buy them.

B&M shops are also great places to learn more advanced vaping methods and techniques. Some people are visual, written, or verbal learners, but if you’re a kinesthetic learner like me, it’s much easier to learn something by doing it with someone who actually knows what the hell they’re doing.

2. Local Vape Meets

Use your favorite search engine to find out if there are any vape meets in your area. Vape meets are held anywhere from b&m shops, parks, bars, and even people’s own homes. It’ll be like visiting a b&m lounge where you can try out new equipment and learn new techniques, but there will probably be more people. Depending on the vape meet there might even be some vaping related activities, competitions, and games to liven things up.

3. Conventions

Yes, we said it – there are freaking conventions (plural!!!) dedicated to e cigs and vaping. Even though you can’t attend a convention everyday, they’re a great way to really get a feel for the community, discover new products, meet new people, and get some sweet sweet #SWAG. It’s like a vape meet on crack (not literally, figuratively).

At conventions, you might spy some of your favorite online personalities, get a first look at new products from your favorite vendors, and meet up with people that you’ve gotten to know in your online communities.

  • Brick and Mortar Vape Shop

    Brick and Mortar Vape Shop

It Takes a Community to Raise a Quitter

You can’t lose when choosing a community. You’ll interact with people who will take a genuine interest in your success and there’s just no replacing that. Quitting cigarettes is rough, but it can also be a lot of fun if you get involved and have a great time doing it. Heck, maybe one day you’ll be the one motivating new vapers by giving them advice and sharing your stories. In fact, if you love a community that we didn’t list, or have any experiences or advice that you’d like to share, then feel free to let us know – we’d love to hear from you!

H/T: onVaping

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